Our dedication to health and wellness tries to include all aspects of well-being. For many years we have been working closely with doctors, chiropractors, nurses, personal trainers, and dietitian/nutritionists. This has allowed us to provide support in total health to a wide and growing range of people. Our recent work with some crossfit facilities has introduced us to the self-motivated, health conscious, crossfit community. We understand the cost and commitment it takes to be active in your crossfit family. We would like to open up our elite line of water purification as well as air purification to the crossfit community at our special professional pricing discount level. If you do not already have your crossfit discount code, ask your home to contact us and request a discount code for your location. You may also request that we contact your location and set up the special discount code.
Call 214-243-0892 to get set up.If you already have your special crossfit discount code, you can click on the pictures below to take you to the product locations that your crossfit membership earns you. Choose the products you are looking for and apply the code in the checkout. We cannot post your discounts, but they are substantial. Thanks again for your continued commitment to staying healthy and fit.

If you are not on our part of our crossfit email group and would like to be, click here.