PLATINUM (50 parts per million) Platinum is used in the treatment of cancer, and as a base in some of the chemotherapeutic treatments in conventional hospitals, although not in the proper (natural) form. In the early 1970‘s, Platinum was used in the dye in x-rays of women‘s breast. Breast lumps reportedly began shrinking & even disappearing after the use of the dye. Many believed the platinum in the dye caused the shrinking and disappearance. Since then platinum dye has been replaced with radioactive dyes. Platinum may be effective in killing disease-causing bacteria, fungus, viruses, and help boost the immune system. A FEW THINGS THIS PRODUCT MAY BENEFIT: Back pain Cancer Chronic fatigue Gland dysfunction Headaches Insomnia Mental alertness Nerve damage Neuralgia PMS Poor concentration
PLATINUM (50 parts per million) Platinum is used in the treatment of cancer, and as a base in some of the chemotherapeutic treatments in conventional hospitals, although not in the proper (natural) form. In the early 1970‘s, Platinum was used in the dye in x-rays of women‘s breast. Breast lumps reportedly began shrinking & even disappearing after the use of the dye. Many believed the platinum in the dye caused the shrinking and disappearance. Since then platinum dye has been replaced with radioactive dyes. Platinum may be effective in killing disease-causing bacteria, fungus, viruses, and help boost the immune system. A FEW THINGS THIS PRODUCT MAY BENEFIT: Back pain Cancer Chronic fatigue Gland dysfunction Headaches Insomnia Mental alertness Nerve damage Neuralgia PMS Poor concentration