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Essential BOSS Standard APCI Air Treatment Systems
The future of fresh clean air is here! Living air is the answer!
Allergy, Asthma, & Mold Relief. Essential BOSS PCI units are beautiful, as well as small and functional. Utilizing PHOTO CATALYTIC IONIZING technology. These are the very best for molds, particularly black mold, as well as odors and volatile off-gassed chemicals from the indoor environment. The ability to agglomerate and cause particles and dander to drop from the air is excellent as well.
Here are some of the contaminants found in your home
Big BOSS Photocatalytic Air Purification
- Shown to be more effective than ozone alone in breaking down formaldehyde, the most common toxin in homes today. It is in foam mattresses and pillow, drapes, glues, carpeting, furniture and more.
- Creates hydroxyls and is actually more effective in moist than in dry areas. This makes it the ONLY smart choice when mold is present. Testing in real world home use shows substantial decrease of spore activity in the air within hours and within three days 85% or better reduction with family traffic in and out of rooms.
- Safely sanitizes surfaces as well as the air itself. It has the ability to go after the source of off gassing or mold spores rather than waiting for these to pass through a filter itself.
- Creates balanced passive ionization that causes particles in the air to attract to each other (agglomeration) and drop out of the air, safely away from your lungs. It also sanitizes these same particles of pet dander, dust mite parts and waste, smoke and dust.
- Offers the first practical, effective solution for almost all home & travel air quality needs. Fits in almost any travel bag with an optional extension chord for mattress sanitizing.
- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed - 6 Month Money Back Guarantee!
12" x 8" x 3.5" (15 watts / .15 amps)
For Optimal Performance
The get the best air purification the modules need to be replaced every 12 months. You can find the replacement modules here.