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5 Harmony Drop Bottles w/ Quanta Mug Package


Choose which size Quanta Mug you would like.  If you wish to swap out the Harmony Drops for Quanta Water, Click Here.

NOTE: FREE EP2 Plus will be added to your cart automatically

Yes, I am determined to get you sleeping again, optimally, and get rid of your fatigue, hopefully permanently! And even deal with your touchy digestion. There is a reason herbal and nutritional formulas that once worked do not work now.
So, as most of you now know, most poor response to nutrition today is caused by cellular shutdown produced by massive electromagnetic overwhelm. Immune systems don’t function when all the cells are asleep, and over 99% of body cells and commensal cells in the majority of the population are functioning substandard due to this shutdown.
So, we have to protect our bodies, and those of our family, from this overwhelm with the EP2 Stress Pendant. Challenge is, you have to be over 40% cell function energetically to wear this protection all day without getting tired. Oh, it’s still protecting you, however you can’t handle the naturally accessed energetic resources it brings to the body until you reach 40% sipping Quanta Water, which takes about 20 Days.
The good news is that when you sip Quanta Water, ½ tsp. every 30 minutes while awake, for 30 days, by the third day you will be over 4% cell function energetically, necessary to utilize nutrition. If less than 4% your body is throwing most of the nutrition away, as it is using all the cells that are showing up for your survival. It will not spare any to work with the nutrition. Before sipping Quanta Water, Children are tired in school, have trouble staying focused and tend not to do as well on tests. By the 15th day, if using a timer, you will be over 30% and sleeping so much better, and by the 20th day over 40% and then you are able to wear your EP2 Stress pendant all day without getting tired.
Now, Your Quanta Mug energizes every food or liquid to 255,000 BioAngstroms of coherent cell supporting energy within 3-5 minutes, 60 seconds if the Mega Mug. This is enough to keep cells as high as you get them with the Quanta Water, sipped every 30 minutes.
The Quanta Water is 2.76 million BioAngstroms of coherent cell supporting energy, or your full throttle jet fuel, to get you up 2% per day. The Quanta Mug produces water at 255,000 BioAngstroms, or about on tenth of Quanta Water. It is the fumes the airplane coasts on when the throttle is pulled back. It also is maximizing hydration and structuring your water, while continuing to support your cells energetically. It keeps you from having to spend $50-$100 a month just trying to keep your cell function up.
So, this trio is the ultimate and unmatched solution to the crushing results of massive electromagnetic overwhelm, including the consequences of 5G. There is nothing out there to match or even get close to the results you achieve with this solution.
To make this happen for you, and as many members of your family as you wish, we are offering two packages. One with Quanta Water and one with Harmony Drops. Four Harmony Drops can be substituted for Quanta Water sips, as one Harmony Drop per hundred pounds of body weight on the back of your left hand, every 30 minutes, rubbed for a second with the back of your other hand can achieve the same result. Always during waking hours and using a timer. It takes four Harmony Drop bottles to go 30 days for the average adult over 135 lbs. Children less than 110 lbs require only 1 drop per 30 minutes on the back of their hand, therefor only two Harmony drops are needed for children to get 60% cell function energetically over 30 days. They will be sleeping so much better, and the dark under their eyes will begin to disappear.

So, to make all this happen, we are giving away the $159 EP2 Stress Pendant to each of you that orders a complete solution to your poor sleep and fatigue, which includes 16 bottles of Quanta Water, at normal discount, and One Quanta Mug, at normal discount, for maximum hydration and to keep your cell function up, without having to spend fifty to one hundred dollars every month trying to keep it up with Quanta Water or Harmony drops.
Nothing could make me more pleased than to see all our clients overcoming sleep issues and fatigue, and in the process responding so much better to all and any health issues.


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